September 5, 2008

Here I Stand

Skwxwú7mesh territory from the ocean.
People of the water & the rivers.

The weather is changing, I can feel it. The moment one season transfers to another. It's not that abrupt, but the air smells different, the warmth feels almost unique compared to the summer heat we were getting used to, and you just can't walk around with a light T-shirt and shorts anymore.

This past summer has been an experience after another. I accomplished many dreams and lived a life of purpose for many weeks. It also charged me to accomplish my wildest dreams possible and things to come in the future.

This past busy summer also meant I could only do light (read: no what so ever) blogging. It's a goal to really develop Liberated Yet? Into a cool indigenous-youth media project, but it never fulfills itself and I also seem to lack to determination to see it come through as things come up. Nonetheless, I work hard to express myself how I can, truthfully, and with dignity.

The latest developments worldwide, and within my own community, are startling and chilling. Yet despite what could be obvious hopelessness, I maintain many faith and hope in what can be done. I'm not talking just about politics here. I'm speaking of creating a world worth saving and a world worth creating. I'm talking about saving the world. Haha

As I've now climbed to the peak of one mountain, the behemoth of my existence is peaking up next. Starring me in the face as I reminisce the journey of climbing the first. Here I stand, in meditation, gearing up to work my way on a path not layed out for me, but the road not chosen. It is not a path I wish to climb fast so reach the peak, but road of my own to pass as a journey. What plays out on not the easy road, but the right road, is not of my choosing. The challenges and tests of what comes next on the land, is up to the Spirit in the Sky.

U siyam

So a new season begins, a new journey for myself. I'll be sharing and announcing some new projects I'm about to embark on and invite you all to share with me, as I share what I've been taught with you all.


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