November 9, 2006


As mentioned before, OldManRivers became an uncle for the first time on Oct. 31st, at 6:55 P/S time, to a beautiful baby girl weighing 8'7, now named Sadie Maria Rivers.

There are moments you will never forget. And moments you wish you could never forget. I will always remember when my sister told me. Shocked. but after 10 minutes, more excited then shocked. I was so shocked I couldn't finish my food. It came out of no where, but I was extremely happy.

Some of you may know, or can guess my sentiments toward kids, especially me having them, and the importance of that resource. Decolonization and liberation can begin with training, influencing and touching their lives. To raise in a healthy, supportive, and loving home for a child can be a radical thing compared to the last 80 years for my people. The traditions, the values, the culture, the heritage, and all that other good stuff. (For fellow jedi's and liberated: imagine children grown straight out of Zion.)

The least I can say is I'm excited. I'm taking this in many ways. This child is going to be the oldest out of all my siblings children. And I havn't seen my niece in over a day, and it feels so weird!!!!!!!!


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